BLUEs PLUS – is a set of additional functionalities enabling to use Microsoft Dynamics AX capabilities even more widely, more conveniently and efficiently. The key parts of BLUEs PLUS are the Ledger, fixed assets, banks/cash, customers/ vendors, inventory management, purchases/ sales.
General Ledger (GL)
- Copying GL entry lines with saved relation to customer/vendor/bank/ cash/fixed asset information
- Possibility to specify last Periodic journal transaction transfer into General Journal date
- Report, which shows what GL accounts selected GL account or account group was corresponding during the selected period
- Report, which shows correspondence of the selected GL account with other GL accounts
- GL account operations with comprehensive additional information and function to export data to MS Excel
- Possibility to see, filter and analyse the required GL operations
Fixed assets
- Fixed asset Introduction into exploitation statement with fixed asset cost value
- Transfer of fixed assets. Function to change the transfer details and reprint the FA Transfer report
- Function to check if all required asset depreciation records are posted in case of fixed asset write-off
- Automatic residual value transfer in case of FA write-off
- Function to change information on registered fixed assets
- List of fixed assets on the specified date with the possibility to see open, suspended, closed, sold, scrapped FA cards
- Comprehensive analysis of fixed asset operations and possibility to export data to MS Excel
- Fixed asset dynamics tracking by groups and possibility to export data to MS Excel
- History of fixed asset transfers
Banks/cash desk
- Change in currency rates
- Retaining the influence of change in cash/bank exchange rates on other GL accounts
- Function to change the information of the cash income order/ cash expenses order
- Prevention from change GL account on bank/ cash card if there are registered transactions
- Report showing bank balances for selected dates by currency
- Bank transactions during the specified period with additional information
- Bank statement – a report detailing the bank's transactions in the original and local currencies within the specified time period
- Bank transactions with the possibility to view, filter, or analyse the required bank account operations
- Cash operations with the possibility to view, filter, or analyse the required cash operations
- Prevention from change vendor/ customer group on card if there are registered transactions
- Periodic settlement functionality which works by FIFO model
- Review forms and reports for related buyer/vendor transactions in the local and original currencies
- Vendor/customer open transactions. Report that helps to analyse debts of the selected date
- Vendor/customer transactions for the specified period. Data are exported to MS Excel
- Possibility to analyse the vendor/customer debt balances according to different posting profiles
- Statistics for vendor/product and customer/product
- Statistics for vendor/product without amounts
- Vendor/customer operations query with financial dimensions
- Vendor/customer invoice headers/lines query with financial dimensions
Inventory management
- Prevention from item unit / item group / item model change
- Inventory transfer report
- Packing slip printout when transferring inventory with the option of including it into the packing slip register
- Two types of inventory transfer journal. The first is to control whether the data in the fields (date, warehouse from/to) are coincident, the second without such restrictions
- Inventory stocktaking
- Possibility to change the values of the relevant fields to the specified values for multiple entries
- Inventory movement by transaction type
- Report showing the inbound and outbound operations within the specified time period. The report include both inventory transfer journals and transfer orders data
- Inventory turnover (financial and physical)
- Inventory value by items and inventory dimensions
- Value of inventory by items and inventory dimensions without amounts
- Detailed inventory operations
- Inventory write-off statements
- Function to change the invoice/packing slip number
- Additional functionality of the invoice registry for the issued/posted customer/vendor invoices – the function for changing the transport details
- Additional functionality of the packing slip registry for the posted customer packing slips – the function for the transport details change
- Possibility to analyse miscellaneous costs received from vendor. The analysis is available at the level of invoice and/or inventory detail
- Control of the financial dimension. Possibility to enable the financial dimension fill requirement in accordance with established rules before the registration of packing slip /invoice
Additional functionality
- General address book
- Record insertion/editing control
- Creating an automatic financial dimension after creating a card entry
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