BLUEs Dairy – a solution for companies engaged in dairy purchase, processing and distribution. The solution covers all dairy purchase, quality measurement, processing and distribution procedures, as well as business and accounting processes. BLUEs Dairy is compatible with standard MS Dynamics systems for contract, procurement, sales, and inventory management.
Purchase of raw milk
- Full traceability of raw milk – from buying to sales of products
- Integration with mobile applications for stationary raw milk reception points
- Integration with weighing scales in raw milk reception process
- Functionality to calculate costs separately for different types of raw milk
- Functions for applying different pricing rules for different types of raw milk
- Automatic calculation of price premiums and discounts for suppliers according to set-up and dynamic rules
- Automatic payment processing with consideration of advance payments, loans and other factors
- Automatic formation of GPM312 declaration (amounts paid to residents) which is being provided to Lithuanian tax authorities
- Import of raw milk quality tests from UAB Pieno tyrimai and local laboratories, their processing and comparison with own laboratory data
- Preparation and export of raw milk purchase data to the database of Lithuanian authorities (Žemės ūkio informacijos ir kaimo verslo centras)
Production process
- Full traceability of raw materials, stock and production movement and use
- Automatic raw materials norms calculation based on actual quality of raw materials and semi-finished products
- Operative production planning tool
- Function for comparison of fat/protein/dry matter balance in the production process
- Automatic calculation of actual production cost according to the chosen methodology, considering by-products
- Functionality of disclosing the final product cost down to raw materials used and overheads.
Sales management
- Interface with Edisoft system. Electronic receipt of orders and sending of sales documents
- Optimum working environment for order acceptance staff, enabling them to communicate more actively with customers and increase sales
- Choosing the right turnaround tare and keeping track of its stock with customers and drivers
- Control of outstanding sales orders
- Fixed assortment contracts and functionality to manage sales orders more effectively based on them
- Initiative customer debts control.
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