BLUEs Sales2EDI is a Microsoft Dynamics AX system extension for exchanging sales documents in electronic format between a company and a customer. This functionality will allow your business to shorten the time of exchange for B2B data and to avoid errors and contingencies.

Features of BLUEs Sales2EDI

  • Imports sales order files created by the customer, which are used to create sales orders in the AX system
  • When a sales order is confirmed in the AX system, it exports the sales confirmation document
  • When the packing slip is posted in the system, it exports the packing slip document
  • When the invoice is posted in the system, it exports the invoice document
  • The user initiates the import of the sales orders manually
  • The export of sales documents is performed automatically by posting them in the AX system
  • XML files that match the EDIFACT format are used for the exchange


BLUEs Sales2EDI is flexibly configurable. For each customer, you can define different sets of imported/exported documents, and specify different folders used for document exchange. External codes can be used to identify customers, and external, AX, or barcodes – to identify products.

Want to find out more? Contact us.